Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tablet Sales Make a Dent

It has been recently reported that Tablet sales has been the reason for a recent sales decline in lap-tops. In fact, predictions have been made in the past that this would happen and recently has proven to be right. Even though Tablets are not as powerful as lap-tops, consumers feel a need to have one in their technology instrument tool-kit. Users have admitted that the Tablet has not fully replaced their lap-top, but are very convenient for checking e-mails; Facebook and twitter accounts; reading digital books; online banking; and using it for driving directions. However, tablets still have a ways to before being able knocking out term papers or playing a graphics-intensive multiplayer video game. Although, expect lap-tops to become legacy equipment when those capabilities become available. As of now HP confirmed a 23% drop in sales for notebooks and desktops. In addition, Dell confirmed a 7% drop in sales, as well as Acer's 16% drop in shipments, all while Tablets are flying off the shelves.

It is predicted that Apple will sell 47 million pads this year out of 70 million total sold worldwide. Furthermore, experts expect this number to reach 108 million by next year. As a result, tablets will definitely take over the desk-top and lap-top market in the future. Surveys reported that 77% of Tablet users reduced the use of their primary PC once they brought Tablets. Overall, PC manufacturers should put in place some sort of plan for Tablets because as the numbers show, sooner rather than later they may need to produce more Tablets than traditional PC's to keep factories open.  

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