Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Paper Phone: Next Generation Cellular Phone

Just when we think smart phones cannot get any better, there has been a discovery of a new prototype phone called the PaperPhone. The name alone tell us why they call it the paper phone, this new type of smart-phone introduces bend technology that bends like a piece of paper to make calls and utilize other functions of the phone. 

The e-paper prototype Paperphone was created by a research team at Queen's University in Canada in junction with a research team at Arizona State University. The chassis consist of a 9.5 centimeter diagonal screen that is lightweight, flexible, and about the thickness of a ID badge. The prototypes as of right now can do everything a smart-phone can do however, does not have photo taking capabilities as of yet. The phone uses a E-ink display that the user bends to makes phone calls, listen to music, or use apps. Vertegaal says it expects all smart-phones to be like this 5 to 10 years from now, even though the Paperphone still has a long way to go in development. Looking even further ahead, imagine smart-phones or Ipads that can roll-up like a newspaper therefore, eliminating the cracked screen.

This is the development of a technology that is believed to take us into the next wave of the future. When the concept of paper electronics becomes mastered, we will be able to transfer unthinkable amounts of data on devices that can roll up and fit into the smallest places possible. As a result, we will be able to stack paper laptops on-top of each other that resembles a stack of papers, but consist of multiple personal computers capable of the same functions we do today and more.

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